Becklands Housing Development

New Waltham, Grimsby
Design Work, 2011
Private Developer

Hodson Architects were appointed to undertake work in connection with this project following a successful competitive tender. The scope of work was split into two phases. Phase one involved a feasibility study for the 5.7 ha site, which was presented to the client and the local authority, who both gave positive feedback. The second phase is the development of the scheme to form a hybrid Planning Application, 53 units fully designed, 46 units outline design.

Existing hedge planting and good quality trees on the site have been retained and inform the proposed layouts whilst also formulating the basis for strong landscape proposals.
The scheme is a mix of detached houses, semi-detached houses, town houses, mews development and bungalows.

The development takes design references from local villages, including the notion of shared green space, simple built forms and expressive features such as chimney stacks and bay windows.
The scheme takes advantage of existing site features. A linear park is proposed at the heart of the development, which retains existing trees and planting, as well as introducing new sustainable measures, such as a balancing pond.

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